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Augustina Joseph

Property Cleaning Prep Service

Ph:  (340) 514-5366 or (340) 626-8846

Elizabeth Guadalupe-Perez
Certified Res. Real Estate Appraiser
P.O. Box 4791
Kingshill, VI 00851
Cell:  (340) 690-2001


Ron Howard

Commonwealth Valuation Services

3015 Orange Grove #22

Christiansted, VI 00820

Cell:  (340) 642-7089

D. Arlen Wheeler

Caribbean Engineering

Green Cay Marina

Christiansted, VI 00820

Ph: (340) 718-1936, Fax: (340) 718-1936

Gerald T. Groner

Attorney at Law, P.C.
52A Company Street
Christiansted, VI 00820
Ph: (340) 773-3660 / Fax: (340) 773-3650

Felice Quigley

PO Box 3209

1 Queen Cross St

Christiansted, VI 00822 -3209

Ph: (340) 773-7700 / Fax: (340) 773-4774

Scot McChain

McChain Miller Nissman

International Legal Partners

53A Company St.
Christiansted, USVI 00820
Ph:  (340) 719-0601

Mark W. Eckard 

#1 Company Street 
Christiansted, VI 00820
Ph: (340) 642-8784 / Fax: (855) 456-8784 


Schaffer Mortgage

Bonnie Rapine

52 Queen Street

Christiansted, VI 00820

 Ph: (340) 778-4444 / Fax: 340-778-4445


Nathan M Steiner 
Ph: (248) 205-1035 x235 / Cell: (313) 570-3121 
Fax: (877) 843-1565 


Tracey Vallarde
Box 100

Christiansted, VI 00821-0100

Ph:  (340) 772-6200

First Liberty

Brice McLaughlin

5 Commandant Gade

St. Thomas, VI 00802

Ph:  (340) 774-1101


Patricia Clendenen
Sunny Isles Branch Box 773
Christiansted, VI 00821-0100

Ph:  (340) 712-3704

Bank of St. Croix

Nathan Purdome 
5025 Anchor Way, Gallows Bay
Christiansted, VI 00820
Ph. (340) 773-8500 / Fax:(340)773-8508

Banco Popular

Avril Hazel
#5 Orange Grove
Christiansted, VI 00820
Ph:  (340) 693-2963


Jaye Ramos

Christiansted VI  00820 

Ph:  (340) 626-3226

Margarita Ayala Murphy

P.O. Box 2911

Kingshill VI  00851 

Ph:  (340) 220-1992


S.O.S. - Save Our Shores

Junk, Trash & Rubbish Removal

Ben Williams

6X Peter's Rest
Christiansted, St. Croix 00823
Ph: 340-227-4746


Ellen G. Donovan

2116 (53B) Company Street
Christiansted, V I 00820
Ph: (340) 773-0464 / Fax: (340) 773-6575

Sam Grey

Nichols, Newman, Logan, & Grey, P.C.

1131 King Street

Christiansted, VI  00820

Ph: (340) 773-3200 / Fax: (340) 773-3409


Survey Services Company, LLC

27-28 King Cross Street
Christiansted, VI 00820
Ph:  (340) 713-4555 / Fax: (340) 692-0998

GME Dospiva

Box 25105

Gallows Bay, VI 00824

Ph:  (340) 778-7474 / Fax: (340) 778-7476

Professional Services

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